
fine ad from the sixties

hello again,ad from the sixties forgot the name of the photografer,nice photo it´s something about : shoes,cars and space.brilliant

time flies

and what ever happend since last bloggin.working,time flies away  trying to find time for immersion and new plans.fixing a room in my studio,gonna run some workshops from april.had some time of,looking through some old magz,from the sixties and seventies...fell over the following- for your inspiration only.have a nice weekend

big / ruedi

big.....also from the sixties,perfect ad for the new big clasic.by.....

good old ruedi

andy w.

look at this a young andy w. and see the following text.

a.k. text

drawing by andy w

drawing by andy w. and his interpretationn situated with art kane.

a.w.text about a.k

phote by e.h

super atmosphere in that photo by...

ernst haas

boo ross

nice and tight by BOB ROSS

old oliveti ad

and then this lovely oliveti advertising,along a country road,from a time when the world was a bit more innocent.

frageli shelter

+ a glimpse from my actual day 9.3.19."badeanstalten" strange shelter fence towards the sea fragile,temporary and beautiful